
Wednesday Celebrity

I know what you're thinking: Wow, you must have sprinted to the theater the night Burlesque opened.
Actually, no I did not. I haven't seen it yet...and I'm not going to see it...ever.
As one may have guessed simply by watching the trailer (or by seeing Hollywood make it's usual 'bold' leap by casting Christina Aguilera, of all people, for the lead role), this movie has about as much to do with Burlesque, as this blog has to do with boxer shorts. From everything I've read (admittedly, very little, due to my overall lack of interest), this movie is merely a 100 minute long Aguilera music video.
Thanks, but no thanks. I can't sit through a 3 minute Aguilera music video.

All in all, the funniest thing I read about this movie was how, Tempest Storm (above), Burlesque legend and one-time stage partner of Bettie Page, was preparing to sue Sony Pictures for making her life into a film without her permission...until she watched the film and realized it had no resemblance to her life whatsoever. It got me thinking, though, what if someone wanted to make a film that really was about burlesque? Who could star?
I came up with a few names: A couple obvious (Dita, and Bernie Dexter), a couple others, less so.

Dita Von Teese

Bernie Dexter

Angie Pontani

Busty LaBelle

Ruby Valentine

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